
Static Site Generator

Spike is a next-generation static site generator. It is built on top of webpack, and a foundation of html, css, and js parsers that accept plugins to transform the output. It’s fast, actively developed, and very data-friendly. Check out the quick introduction video below to get a feel for Spike!

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Spike funded?

Spike is a free open source project sponsored primarily by Carrot, a top-tier marketing agency and dev shop in Brooklyn, NY. The only ways that it makes money are through us using Spike for our work (and therefore doing much faster and better work), publicity, and if spike users hire us as consultants.

Can you build X feature into spike? I need it.

Let’s first talk about whether it’s appropriate via github issues, and if so, it would be best if you spearheaded the implementation, although we are available for help and consultation. Don’t know how to write javascript code? You should learn before using javascript projects.

I’m having this problem with my site that uses spike, can you fix it?

Unfortunately we don’t have the bandwidth to fix everyone’s sites for free. However, we do have a fantastic community where someone might be able to help out. If you have found a bug, you are welcome to file it as an issue as well.

Can I make spike work with sass, jade, stylus, or X other legacy tool?

It’s possible using custom plugins and loaders, but we strongly recommend against it. Spike is completely designed around and based on flexible, modern tooling that closely follows official specs for html, css, and js. We can only offer very limited support for using it with legacy tools and languages, and it is a step backward for your own projects. Spike’s default tools might be a change from what you are used to, but it is the right decision for the future of your stack. And there is a community to help if you have any questions.

Why is there a potted cactus in a desert on this website?

Because cacti love deserts, even if they are potted. Hey by the way, did you find the elusive tumbleweed?

How do you manage the telegramophone whilst wearing gentleman’s sport gloves?

Curses, this is all anyone ever asks me!